Creating a User / Role
Mysql: mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dbname.* TO 'dbuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'dbpass';
(The above grants full access to the named database to the named user
connecting from any host on the internet identifying using the given
password. If granting privileges this way, it’s important to lock down
access using iptables on the host.)
Postgresql: linux# createuser -U postgres -s -P dbuser
(The above creates a superuser which can authenticate using a password
for which you will be prompted.) In addition to the above, it’s
important to grant access to the client host by creating a line similar
to this in the pg_hba.conf file:
host all all password
(The above allows any host on the internet to authenticate as any user using an encrypted password. When granting access this way, it’s important to lock down access to the postgresql server using both iptables and ip6tables.)
Finding an existing User / Pass
- If it’s a rails app, check APP_ROOT/config/database.yml (Thanks Rycar)
- You could also SELECT * from pg_user & guess which user is being used. (Thanks Brian)
List users
psql \du
Change database owner
Change owner of tables, sequences, and views inside a database
Changing a User / Role’s password
Mysql: mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET password = PASSWORD('dbpass') WHERE user='dbuser';
Postgreslq: postgres=# ALTER ROLE dbuser UNENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'dbpass';
Restoring from backups
pg_basebackup If a basebackup was taken (and unless the customer is migrating from another host, that’s what it should be), it’s as simple as
- stop postgres
- move the current contents of the data directory out of the way
- untar the backup to the data directory, e.g.
untar -jxvf base.tar.bz2 -C /var/lib/pgsql/9.2/data
- start postgresql
Heroku/binary dumps use pg_restore Plain text dumps
If pg_dump was used to create a plain text dump, pg_restore will not work; psql must be used instead.
First extract the dump file (if necessary) and chown it to the postgres user. Switch to postgres and execute:
psql dbname < uncompressed_dump_file
Skipping authentication (“single user mode” for resetting passwords)
Put this line and only this line in pg_hba.conf:
local all postgres ident
restart postgres.
Reset the postgres password
psql ALTER USER postgres WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'newpassword';
In Postgres 8.4, just run:
sudo passwd postgres
Alternately: sudo su – postgres (and you won’t be prompted for a password)