Random things I found out

Format aws-cli output as CSV

One of my recurring annoyances is that the AWS cli utility doesn’t support a CSV output option. This command fixes this (at least for snapshot data). aws ec2 describe-snapshots –owner-ids 12345 –output json |jq -r ‘.Snapshots[] | [.Description, .Encrypted, .OwnerId, .Progress, .SnapshotId, .StartTime, .State, .VolumeId, .VolumeSize, .StorageTier] | @csv’ >snapshots.csv …

Installing Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates on Ubuntu, things to know

Preparing your server for SSL If you are installing SSL and Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu for the first time, you should first enable SSL on your apache install. If you don’t you will get this error message: SSLCertificateFile: file ‘/etc/apache2/insert_cert_file_path’ does not exist or is empty First enable SSL: sudo …